What are the Pierson Hall (Health and Fitness Center) Hours?
Hours are adjusted for breaks and holidays. Please visit the fitness center hours page or follow us on Facebook (Longwood Campus Recreation) and Instagram (LongwoodCampusRec) for updates.
Fitness Center Inclement Weather Policy (pdf)
How can I share my idea/comment/question with someone at Campus Recreation?
We would love to hear your feedback! Please fill out a comment/suggestion card located in the lobby by the elevator or send us an email at campusrec@longwood.edu.
Can I bring a guest with me to the gym?
Nonmembers at least 18 years of age may purchase a guest pass for the day to enter Pierson Hall (Health and Fitness Center) under the following condition. A current member must accompany non-members, who shall present a valid government issued photo ID card and sign the waiver of liability.
Can I bring a drink with me while using the Campus Recreation facilities?
Soft drinks, sports drinks, etc. are not allowed past the entrance gate due to the sugar content of these drinks which can cause maintenance issues if spilled on the machines. However, water is allowed in clear, non-breakable, plastic, leak proof drinking container.
Where can I store my belongings while I workout?
Day use lockers are available for members to use while working out. Locks can be brought in or checked out for free at the Front Desk. All locks remaining on day use lockers at the end of the day will be cut off and items left in lockers will be disposed of. Campus Recreation is not responsible for items left unattended in our facilities.
What can I wear to the gym?
Where do I go to sign up for an intramural sport?
All, Students, Faculty, and Staff interested in playing intramural sports can sign up at www.imleagues.com using their Longwood email address. You can create a team, join a team, or join as a free agent! Visit Intramural Sports for more information.