Take the quiz to find out which Longwood University icon best matches your personality!
Senior year, arguably the best year of your college life, comes with a roller coaster of emotions. Are you ready? Ready for the “real world”?
What does it mean to be human? To be a member of society, contributing to the human experience? At Longwood, the site of the 2014 Virginia Humanities Conference on March 21-22, a conversation about the humanities is ongoing.
Can we figure out climate change? The hot topic (literally) makes news all the time as the global community tries to address the problem. Global models predict average temperatures will rise by 2 degrees by the turn of the next century.
Let’s be honest. You hear the acronym QEP, along with other academia jargon, and your eyes glaze over. B-O-R-I-N-G. But let’s assume in this case it’s a bit more interesting than you might think… because it really is.
As we say goodbye to 2013, here are just a few (of the many) memorable social media posts from the Longwood community over the past year. Enjoy!
The holiday season is supposed to be happy, so why is this time of year always so stressful? No worries, because we’ve compiled more than 10 tips that will help you feel your best over the coming weeks.
Longwood students are a breed of their own. They have passion. They know excitement. And they like Baked Alaska. Here are ten ways you know you’re a Longwood student.
Advice and quips from Longwood professors.