September 09, 2020
A program that focuses on oral language and pre-literacy a program that focuses on oral language and pre-literacy.
June 11, 2020
Webinar response is amazing! 2800 attendance and 15,000 Facebook Live views
May 27, 2020
Summer Learning Camps Zoom online July 6-10. Longwood's Speech, Hearing and Learning Services (SHLS) will offer Camp Jumpstart for children ages 3-5 and Reader's Theatre open to children age 6 and older for only $25 each.
May 26, 2020
Join us for an online summer camp to jumpstart your child's language and literacy!
May 26, 2020
Join us for an online summer camp to enhance campers' reading skills and confidence at Reader's Theatre!
May 01, 2020
Telehealth Speech and Language therapy available through the summer with limited capabilities for evaluations.
May 01, 2020
Audiology drive-up service is available to help clients with immediate equipment needs Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
April 27, 2020
Dr. Karen Feathers, Assistant Professor, Director and Coordinator of Special Education and Longwood Life students want to encourage Lancers "not to give up and to finish strong"